


class igz_mgmt.constants.AddMemberMode(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Add member mode.

best_effort = 'best_effort'#

If member exists, warn but don’t fail.

fail_on_existing = 'fail_on_existing'#

If member exists, fail.

override = 'override'#

If member exists, override its role.

class igz_mgmt.constants.AppServiceDesiredStates(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

App service desired state.

disabled = 'disabled'#
ready = 'ready'#
scaled_to_zero = 'scaledToZero'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.AppServicePriorityClass(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

App service priority class.

system_critical = 'igz-system-critical'#
system_high = 'igz-system-high'#
system_medium = 'igz-system-medium'#
workload_high = 'igz-workload-high'#
workload_low = 'igz-workload-low'#
workload_medium = 'igz-workload-medium'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.AppServicesManifestStates(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

App services manifest state.

error = 'error'#
provisioning = 'provisioning'#
ready = 'ready'#
scaling_from_zero = 'scalingFromZero'#
scaling_to_zero = 'scalingToZero'#
static terminal_states()#

App services manifest optional terminal states.

waiting_for_provisioning = 'waitingForProvisioning'#
waiting_for_scaling_from_zero = 'waitingForScalingFromZero'#
waiting_for_scaling_to_zero = 'waitingForScalingToZero'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.AppServicesScaleToZeroMetrics(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

App service scale to zero metrics name.

jupyter_kernel_busyness = 'jupyter_kernel_busyness'#
num_of_requests = 'num_of_requests'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.ApplyServicesMode(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Apply services mode.

default = 'default'#

The default apply services mode.

scale_from_zero_only = 'scaleFromZeroOnly'#

used for scaling services from zero (either service admin or service owner). NOTE: In iguazio 3.5.3, this mode was deprecated.

service_owner_edit = 'serviceOwnerEdit'#

used for editing services (service admin or service owner). NOTE: currently supports both restarting and scaling app services from zero (for iguazio version >= 3.5.3).

class igz_mgmt.constants.ConfigTypes(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Configuration types.

app_services = 'app_services'#
artifact_version_manifest = 'artifact_version_manifest'#
cluster = 'cluster'#
events = 'events'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.EventClassification(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Classification types.

mapping to zebo event classification.

audit = 'audit'#
background = 'bg'#
capacity = 'cap'#
hardware = 'hw'#
security = 'sec'#
sla = 'sla'#
software = 'sw'#
system = 'system'#
unknown = 'unknown'#
user_action = 'ua'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.EventSeverity(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Severity types.

critical = 'critical'#
debug = 'debug'#
info = 'info'#
major = 'major'#
unknown = 'unknown'#
warning = 'warning'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.EventVisibility(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Visibility types.

customer_only = 'customerOnly'#
external = 'external'#
internal = 'internal'#
unknown = 'unknown'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.ForceApplyAllMode(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

To force apply to all services or not.

disabled = 'disabled'#
enabled = 'enabled'#

All services will be applied

class igz_mgmt.constants.JobStates(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Job states types.

canceled = 'canceled'#
completed = 'completed'#
created = 'created'#
dispatched = 'dispatched'#
failed = 'failed'#
in_progress = 'in_progress'#
republishing = 'republishing'#
static terminal_states()#

Job optional terminal states.

class igz_mgmt.constants.JupyterAppServicePrebakedImage#

Bases: object

Jupyter app service images types.

full_stack = 'jupyter-all'#

Full stack without GPU

gpu_cuda = 'jupyter-gpu-cuda'#

Full stack with GPU.

class igz_mgmt.constants.ProjectAdminStatuses(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Project admin status types.

archived = 'archived'#
offline = 'offline'#
online = 'online'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.ProjectAuthorizationRoles(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Project membership types.

admin = 'Admin'#
editor = 'Editor'#
viewer = 'Viewer'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.ProjectDeletionStrategies(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Project deletion strategies types.

cascading = 'cascading'#

Delete the project with all resources

restricted = 'restricted'#

Restrict deletion if project has resources such as functions, runs, etc.

class igz_mgmt.constants.ProjectOperationalStatuses(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Project operational status types.

archived = 'archived'#
creating = 'creating'#
deleting = 'deleting'#
offline = 'offline'#
online = 'online'#
unknown = 'unknown'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.ScaleToZeroMode(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

App service can scale to zero or not.

disabled = 'disabled'#
enabled = 'enabled'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.SessionPlanes(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Session plane types.

control = 'control'#
data = 'data'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.SslVerificationMode(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Controls the verification of filebeat server certificates.

full = 'full'#

Verifies that the provided certificate is signed by a trusted authority (CA) and also verifies that the server’s hostname (or IP address) matches the names identified within the certificate.

none = 'none'#

Performs no verification of the server’s certificate. This mode disables many of the security benefits of SSL/TLS and should only be used after cautious consideration. It is primarily intended as a temporary diagnostic mechanism when attempting to resolve TLS errors. Its use in production environments is strongly discouraged.

class igz_mgmt.constants.TenantManagementRoles(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Tenant management roles types.

application_admin = 'Application Admin'#
application_read_only = 'Application Read Only'#
data = 'Data'#
developer = 'Developer'#
it_admin = 'IT Admin'#
it_admin_read_only = 'IT Admin Read Only'#
project_read_only = 'Project Read Only'#
project_security_admin = 'Project Security Admin'#
security_admin = 'Security Admin'#
service_admin = 'Service Admin'#
system_admin = 'System Admin'#
tenant_admin = 'Tenant Admin'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.UserAdminStatuses(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

Admin status types to disable/enable user.

down = 'down'#
up = 'up'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.UserAuthenticationMethods(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

User authentication methods types.

password = 'password'#
sso = 'sso'#
class igz_mgmt.constants.UserOperationalStatuses(value)#

Bases: _BaseEnumStr

User operational status types.

deleting = 'deleting'#
down = 'down'#
up = 'up'#